
 Who am I? Well, first off, I am a chosen child of God. I thank Him everyday for His relentless pursuit of me, His grace and mercy poured out for me daily, and His choice to call me daughter.

What do I do? That one is a bit of a mixed bag as He calls me down a variety of paths. For the purposes of this site, I am the artist behind Chasm Designs in beautiful Bay City, MI. (Beautiful is said completely tongue-and-cheek. As I type this, we've had several tornado and severe weather warnings, and we're heading into yet another winter consisting of freezing rain mixed with occasional bouts of snow. Blech!)

And, you ask, what exactly is my calling? Well, I'm still trying to figure that out. For a number of years, my job was to help the members of my congregation live into the mission, vision, and values of my church. In a lot of ways, it meant scouring books and blogs looking for creative ways to move people from the Sunday morning pew into everyday life in community and to help them share the love of Jesus with the people they encountered.

Recently, however, my health has caused me to leave my formal ministry position, and I'm exploring what it means to serve God and serve others online. So, instead of creating graphics for Sunday morning slides, the weekly newsletter, and social media, I'm crocheting and creating scrapbooking layouts and graphics for this blog. And, instead of preaching on a Sunday morning, I'm writing blog posts and devotions.

So, what's the story behind the name, Chasm Designs? Chasm Designs was created in response to a Bible Study on Luke 16:19-31 (The Rich Man and Lazarus). During the study, it struck me that in heaven there's a possibility we'll be able to stand at the edge and look down into hell. God pressed that image onto my heart. I decided that I never want to look over the edge, even metaphorically, and see a friend, an acquaintance, anyone suffering, knowing that I could have given them an opportunity to respond to God's calling.

My goal is to help you do the same. Providing devotionals, graphics, and other things (we'll see where creativity and the inspiration of the Spirit leads me), helping you share God's love with those around you. My prayer is that they will open doors to conversations about Jesus and the greatest gift of all.
