Loving God - Next Steps

Pathway Points

Stepping Up for Jesus

In last week’s GraceNotes, we looked at how a new believer just starting out on the Discipleship Pathway would show God that she loves Him. The focus was attending worship, and I challenged you to evaluate yourself based on your own attendance frequency. Remember, the descriptions are not meant to be exhaustive (or judgmental); they are intended for self-evaluation, and, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to help you better understand what each step on the Pathway looks like in the life of a believer.

This week, let’s look at the Next Step in the Love God part of the Pathway. A Christian who is being called into a deeper relationship with God will attend worship one to three times a month and invest financially in special initiatives that she cares about. In terms of self-evaluation, look at the frequency that you attend worship and your giving to various activities and requests at Grace. Since we talked about the importance of attendance last week, let’s focus on giving this week.

There’s no “magic amount” that you should be giving, just that you’re following the Holy Spirit’s prompting and helping the church make disciples. On top of maintaining the ongoing ministries here at Grace Church, as United Methodist’s, we are a part of a greater connection of churches who take on huge initiatives that individual churches cannot accomplish alone. Each church takes a special offering six times per year to support some of these projects. You can read about these Special Sundays and other ways your regular offering helps here. Periodically, there are also Conference and District level initiatives, like One-Week-One-Street.

Grace Church also has quite a few projects of our own that go beyond the weekly needs of doing local church ministry (we’ll talk about time and talents in another article). Monthly, SOS (Senior Outreach Saturday) provides a meal to the seniors in our community needing a little assistance, and the team could always use a donation to purchase food and door prizes. The same is true of our quarterly Food of Faith participation where we feed the homeless in Bay City. If you’re more interested in helping the other end of the age spectrum, you could donate to the Rev. Gary Damon scholarship fund or watch for our special family gatherings and donate money to purchase prizes and food. If the Spirit isn’t prompting you to support a particular project, perhaps you could be supporting the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. This is the money that Pastor Eric has on hand to confidentially help members of Grace and members of the community at large when they’re in a bit of a financial crunch. For more ideas, check with Pastors Eric or Jeff, Monica, or one of the members of the Church Council.

As you take this Next Step, remember that everything we have, from the breath we breathe to the car we drive, is a gift from God. Worship is one of the ways we respond to our loving Provider. Returning a portion of those gifts, in the form of money offered, to help the church make disciples is another.

Stepping up with you in His strength!

Monica Lebsack

Creative Ministries Director

At Grace, one of my responsibilities is to publish a weekly article in our e-newsletter, GraceNotes, about discipleship. Specifically, about the various components of our Discipleship Pathway and how a person could journey along it. This is my most recent article.