Is Jesus Worth It?

Pathway Points

Stepping Up for Jesus

Is Jesus worth it? What a loaded question! What Christian in their right mind would answer, “No.” Right? What about, “If your dreams don’t scare you, you aren’t dreaming big enough.” On the one hand, you know that “no” is the “wrong” answer, but on the other hand, who wants to be scared? Isn’t average okay? Shouldn’t maintaining the status quo be a good thing?

In all actuality, the status quo is something that God disturbs often. Don’t believe me? Check out Moses, Esther, Gideon, or Peter. God shows up, disrupts a person’s everyday routine, and says, “Go.” And, each person in that moment has to decide, “Is God worth it? I say I believe. I say he’s my Lord. Will I really do what he asks?”

Recently, I had a moment like that (on a much smaller scale; no burning bush, no chance of death). I heard God calling me to volunteer at Beacon of Hope. I really struggled with it, and ran the gamut of excuses. Just like the stories above, I argued with God about how this wasn’t a good idea, I wasn’t a counselor, and he really should send someone else. In the end, it came down to: Is Jesus worth it? I claim him as my Lord and Savior. I call him my best friend. Would I leave these ladies without an introduction?

What about you? Is Jesus really your Lord and Savior? Is he really the best thing that ever happened to you? Or, is Sunday morning just lip service? Will you dream big enough to scare you into relying on God? Will you join me and step out in faith and say, “Yes, Jesus is worth it!”

Stepping up with you in His strength!

Monica Lebsack

Creative Ministries Director

At Grace, one of my responsibilities is to publish a weekly article in our e-newsletter, GraceNotes, about discipleship. Specifically, about the various components of our Discipleship Pathway and how a person could journey along it. This is my most recent article.