Learning From The Greatest Teacher

Pathway Points

Stepping Up for Jesus

Recently, I shared a reading plan on Facebook that I thought was interesting. It had three different levels, providing just the right amount of challenge for everyone, or so I thought. I went on to share it with a scrapbooking group I belong to and realized that I might have over estimated the value that others place on reading, and learning in general. Most of the ladies tried to be nice about it, but couldn’t fathom why I would want to read something hard.

So, that got me thinking. Why do I read challenging material, especially challenging Christian material? After all, I hated literature class in high school and could never understand why the English teachers wanted to ruin a good story by over analyzing it.

I realized, it’s because of who I follow. The person I profess as my Lord and Savior was first a Rabbi, a teacher, to his followers. As a disciple of Jesus, I am a life-long learner of the greatest teacher that ever walked the earth. And, since he is no longer physically present to learn from, reading is one of the only ways to learn more.

If one of your resolutions is to get to know Jesus better, let’s read together! Need some suggestions? Let me know via Facebook (tag me), email, snail mail, or in person, and I’ll help you find a book or two that meet you where you are, but challenge you to grow just the same.

Stepping up with you in His strength!

Monica Lebsack

Creative Ministries Director

At Grace, one of my responsibilities is to publish a weekly article in our e-newsletter, GraceNotes, about discipleship. Specifically, about the various components of our Discipleship Pathway and how a person could journey along it. This is my most recent article.