I'll Pray For You

Pathway Points

Stepping Up for Jesus

Where Have You Seen God at Work? WHYSG@W? It’s a question that gets asked quite often at various meetings at Grace. I always try to have an answer prepared ahead of time, which I guess is kind of the point, keeping our eyes open to see God working in the world around us.

As I’ve kept my eyes open the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed something interesting. I’m finding lots of opportunities to pray for people in my social circles, especially the circles that aren’t necessarily made up of Christians. Most recently, it’s been people in my online gaming groups. We don’t really know each other, most of us don’t even use our real names, but God knows. I’ve had the opportunity to pray regularly (every time I logon to the game) for people that are wrestling with addiction, someone that has been in and out of the hospital, a couple of people suffering from chronic illnesses, and a person recently going through a break-up.

It’s easy for us to say, “I’ll pray for you,” to our church friends, and sometimes we even follow through, but do you pray for other people in your life? You don’t need to know all of the details, or any for that matter. However, praying will provide opportunities for conversation and soften hearts, both yours and theirs.

Stepping up with you in His strength!

Monica Lebsack

Creative Ministries Director

At Grace, one of my responsibilities is to publish a weekly article in our e-newsletter, GraceNotes, about discipleship. Specifically, about the various components of our Discipleship Pathway and how a person could journey along it. This is my most recent article.