Living the Five - Worship is a Lifestyle

Pathway Points

Stepping Up for Jesus

Our final installment of Living the Five, the message series based on the church-wide study, was “Worship is a Lifestyle.” In this one, we were encouraged to remember that we don’t go to church, we are the church. We were also reminded that worship is a posture of awe of God and gratitude for everything He has done, not something that we do once per week for an hour. If you’ve never thought of worship this way, I encourage you to check out the article Sacred Pathways Survey on Soul Shepherding. It’s a reminder that God made each of us unique and that even our modes of worship can be as different as our food preferences. The article contains a quiz to help you determine your top style preferences with some suggestions on how to incorporate worship into your everyday life. If you are interested in learning more, check out the book Sacred Pathways: Discovering your Soul’s Path to God by Gary Thomas.

Stepping up with you in His strength!

Monica Lebsack

Creative Ministries Director

At Grace, one of my responsibilities is to publish a weekly article in our e-newsletter, GraceNotes, about discipleship. Specifically, about the various components of our Discipleship Pathway and how a person could journey along it. This is my most recent article.