Year End Redlections

Pathway Points

Stepping Up for Jesus

It’s that time of year again. The holidays are upon us and New Year’s is just around the corner. As you think about the new year, I encourage you include your faith in your resolutions. To help, here are some questions that I’ll be prayerfully considering for myself in the weeks to come (Taken from 10 Discipleship Questions to Consider Now For 2017). 

1.     What will be my Bible reading plan for 2019? I like the reading plans provided by the YouVersion Bible app. For those of you that would prefer a paper version, any of the pastors or I can get one for you, just let us know! 

2.     What specific step will I take in the new year to love my family better? As the author says, “if I don’t make intentional plans, I’ll let my relationships slide into mediocrity.” 

3.     On what nonbeliever(s) will I focus my prayers and evangelistic efforts in 2019? Remember the “Surprise the World” sermon series and the BELLS model? That wasn’t meant to be a one-time thing. We’re called to make disciples, and that’s not possible if we don’t reach out beyond our church family and Christian friends. Need a copy of the book? Let me know.

4.     In whom will I invest my life as a disciplemaker this next year? Every Christian, no matter how far along the Pathway, should be in an apprenticing relationship.  

5.     What sin will I fight the hardest to overcome in the new year? Church should be a hospital for sinners, not a country club for saints. Begin the year with repentance and a plan, with God’s help and the help of the person you’re in relationship with in #4, to be more like Christ. 

6.     What will be my giving and saving goals for 2019? Trusting God with our finances is an incredibly difficult thing for many of us. Having that conversation with Him before the money is in our hands tends to help clarify what to do with it. 

7.     When will I fast regularly next year? Fasting is a topic that isn’t discussed regularly in most churches but can be a very helpful spiritual practice. Remember, the point is to give something up (food, TV, video games, etc.) and replace it with time with God. 

8.     What mission trip(s) will I take in 2019? Mission trips are an amazing experience. Would you be interested in helping coordinate one for our Grace Church family?  

9.     What books will I finally read next year? Remember this is a discipleship question. Don’t have any books that will help you on your journey? Join a small group! We’re always reading something. 

10.  Am I committed to follow God in 2019—regardless of the sacrifice or cost? This is a deceptively simple question. As good Christians, our automatic answer is, yes. However, what if the price isn’t minimal? Will you trust Him and follow where He leads…no matter what?

Stepping up with you in His strength!

Monica Lebsack

Creative Ministries Director

At Grace, one of my responsibilities is to publish a weekly article in our e-newsletter, GraceNotes, about discipleship. Specifically, about the various components of our Discipleship Pathway and how a person could journey along it. This is my most recent article.